Sunday 18 September 2016

Reflecting on Module One and preparing for Module Two

After a very generous break from my BAPP course, the time has come to dive back into my academic studies. This past Friday many of us as returning students took part in a re-orientation Skype chat. It was a great way to get myself back in the mindset of my studies and provided the chance to take on some advice as I begin my second module.

In the Skype chat we were encouraged to reflect on what approaches/methods of study did and didn't work for us during our time working on module one. My first module proved to be very useful in simply discovering how best to schedule my time. One key point that I took from our Skype session that built upon that idea was to schedule personal goals. For example, our handbook states that the hand in date for Module Two is January 6th. Knowing this information I can start to think about when do I want to have my draft completed? How long should I allow for revisions and corrections? With these things in mind I can begin to structure my own personal targets and deadlines with the goal of ensuring I stay on track with my work and don't suddenly find myself 'snowed under' by short sightedness.

Another side to scheduling is allotting myself certain periods of time during the week as 'study time'. I felt that this was something I managed to achieve quite well during Module One. As a person I feel I need to create a routine to keep myself on top of things so would therefore set aside time on my days off to have the best chance of tackling my tasks. I have also had the fortune of one of my colleagues joining me on this course and with our similar schedules we were able to find time each week to put our heads together and help each other through our course.

Hopefully my thoughts and ramblings can prove to be useful to anyone who wasn't able to take part in the Skype sessions. For those on the course about to begin Module Two or Three welcome back!